Mar 18, 2020 | Labour and Employment Law
The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) is intended to be a forum in which labour disputes can be speedily and efficiently decided with a minimum of legal formalities and procedure. There is a clear apprehension that the right to be...
May 9, 2019 | Labour and Employment Law
Reinstatement is a remedy used in labour law for unfair dismissal and unfair labour practices. Court decisions define reinstatement In terms of the Labour Relations Act, there is no set definition for reinstatement therefore it is important to consider court decisions...
Mar 26, 2019 | Labour and Employment Law
Disciplinary action occurs when a rule or standard of conduct in the working environment has been breached and cannot be remedied by any other means. However, this step can only be taken when an allegation of misconduct has been proven by means of evidence. Employee...
Oct 25, 2017 | Litigation and Dispute Resolution
In South African law there are various mechanisms involved in dispute resolution and an alternative to litigation and the common court system is arbitration. The Arbitration Act Arbitration in South Africa is governed by the Arbitration Act 42 of 1956. It is expressly...
Sep 21, 2017 | Labour and Employment Law
As there are 2.01 billion active users on Facebook, 700 million accounts on Instagram and 328 million individuals making use of Twitter, plus the myriad other social platforms, it is evident that an employer should be concerned about the social media conduct of their...